Making More Milestones!

Celebrating the small victories!

Building a dream; One Bag And A Dream!

This little girl set off on an adventure, a journey, a mission, to do something different, to do something new, she did a brave thing, not knowing what she would find or what challenges she would encounter. 

This little girl set out to find out if there was something more, if the world was flat or was the world round? Or is the world filled with glitz, glamour and girlie things or what? WHAT?

This little girl had a desire to SOAR, she came from Tobago to the UK with one bag and a dream!

'One Bag And A Dream' is the name of my chapter in this beautiful book and anthology, Believe In Your Dreams The Time Is Now .... Make It Happen featuring stories of dreamers who believed.  I was also given the privilege to contribute not only as co-author but by doing editing, typesetting and formatting this beautiful book. What an honor!  Thank you to everyone, nothing happens without a family and without a team.  Thank you.

Grace has positioned me to make a difference, to tell my story and to encourage and empower others to do the same.  Grace has put me in a place that I never thought I would be.  Favor is for a lifetime!  Thank you, JESUS!

I am a dreamer who believes!

I am a dreamer who believes!

I am a dreamer who believes!

Stay tuned ... for there is more!

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