Creativity Corner!
You can show your creativity by coming together in writing!
When I was growing up in Tobago, I wanted so much to be a journalist. Here, I am now writing, blogging and using my creativity to bring cheer, to put a smile and to stir up the creativity of my readers. Grace is my guide!
Writing is something that I am truly passionate about, and I hope that my readers will feel the passion when they are reading the stories, the books and the blogs that I write. There was a time when I was writing one book every month and it was so exciting, I hardly slept or I slept for short intervals during the night and was busy on my feet all day with my family and work.
I will be attending a conference later this month and I hope to showcase my fruits, my books, and I am extremely excited. This will be a dream come true. Dreams do come true and with Grace as my guide, commitment, hard work, determination and discipline, it can happen and it will happen.
I am excited to see this Creativity Corner growing as I was given the name for it this morning as I put my fingers on the keyboard. What a revelation!
I have exciting plans for the coming months and the New Year 2023! Writing is my passion, I wrote the V.I.P who came to my school in about 15 minutes. Jesus is great to have given me this gift of writing that has taken so long to surface, but was always there.
I am looking forward to this new season to soar, this season of now, new and next!
Come on! Let's go, let's read, let's write together on this journey as we show our creativity together, here in the Creativity Corner!
Believe and Be Inspired to change the world, to make a difference through writing and reading!
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