The Walk Home!

Yes! We had just been given the biggest news ever and we had to wait an entire weekend to experience it.

School has ended and Maddy and I were standing in the queue to be called by Mrs Dubai when our parents came to the school gate to collect us.

Maddy and I are best friends forever.

We live next to each other, we have sleep overs and we go on holidays today. I mean to say our families go together, wouldn't it be awesomeness and fun if two of us went on holiday together, me and my best friend Maddy?

Yes, it was our turn in the queue our mothers had come to collect us, we hugged them and both of us started to shout the greatest and biggest news ever for next Monday together. It was as if we were joined at the hip, born together or even twins.

My mother asked me to calm down and speak slowly. Maddy's mother said the same.

Okay, who will go first? my mother asked.

I put my hand up, we all laughed. Maddy's mother said "we are not in school, put your hand down and let's hear about this greatest and biggest news then."

"The famous Gordon Zoo is coming to our school on Monday and we want to skip the weekend to Monday!"

"That's great news!" Maddy's mother replied as we all smiled, giggled and jumped around.

On the walk home, all Maddy and I talked about was the h-e-r-p-e-t-o-l-o-g-i-s-t and the scientist team. We were over the moon with this greatest and biggest news.

I wondered, how will I sleep tonight and tomorrow night?

Maddy said "I want to be a scientist when I grow up."

I said "I want to be an astronaut and .......hmmm....... a scientist too when I grow up!"

We laughed, holding each others hands and dreams in our hearts and minds for we knew that from this day forth we will be great, we are going to change the world, we are going to make the world to be filled with laughter and fun!

We laughed so much, we giggled so much and we danced so much all the way home!

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